About MyEPE as a study tool for the Physiotherapy Canadian Accreditation Process


Why did you create a PCE/accreditation prep course?

Because we were in the same position as you. When MyEPE was only an idea back in 2012, there wasn't a Canadian option to help prepare for the PCE. We worked for two years on the structure, delivery, and content of MyEPE and we were the first comprehensive, Canadian, PCE prep tool in the country!  We've helped hundreds of candidates pass the PCE... and we're proud of that!

How was MyEPE created?

MyEPE was created with the help of almost two dozen Canadian physiotherapists. Our group is made up of researchers, university educators, clinic educators, and high level recent graduates.  It is also based on the current research regarding how adults learn and methods to retain information.

How did you decide what goes into your PCE/accreditation prep tool?

The Canadian Alliance of Regulators provides a comprehensive breakdown as well as examples of the material that is eligible for testing on the PCE. Additionally, the MyEPE team has extensive experience teaching physiotherapy students while they prepare over their two years in school for both the PCE and real life practice. Lastly, nearly all contributing members have personal experience with the exam and this is another contributing factor.

What will be the focus of the "mock examination"?

MyEPE's objective is to assist people who wish to practice physiotherapy in Canada pass all aspects of the PCE. To do this, MyEPE provides in depth information about every topic that will be encountered on the PCE. Additionally, it provides testing and timed experiences to mimic the look, feel, and setting that will be experienced during the PCE. The MyEPE tool is not a replacement for formal education, but rather additional information, support and test materials to improve separateness. MyEPE also provides study support and mock examinations for those wanting to practice in Ontario and pass the OCE.

Does the MyEPE program have a study plan I can follow?

Yes. MyEPE has a very detailed study schedule that will explain exactly what to study and when. It is also adaptable to be spaced out over time or to be compressed for the "crammer" so, it can be completed in just 5 weeks!

Do I need any other resources or materials to prepare for MyEPE?

Utilizing school notes are helpful however, no additional textbooks or study tools are required.

Why did you choose to use online training for the practical portion over in-person sessions?

Because a weekend just isn't enough time. To really work on practical skills you need solid and reliable habits, which aren't memorized or formed over a weekend. Being online means MyEPE can still give mock exams, marking rubrics, keys to success, follow up questions, and a complete content list, just like an in-person session. But, being online means you can see the content, review it, test yourself, and master it all.

Does MyEPE offer anything I didn't get in my university program?

Hopefully not, but sometimes yes. Physiotherapy education is a lot to cover in just two years and although it is certain that every Canadian education program covers every critical area, sometimes some areas are focused on more than others. It is possible that MyEPE will help to fill in some details that you may not have captured during your university program. At the end of the day MyEPE is not intended as a replacement for your education, but rather a compliment to it.

There is a lot of content in MyEPE, do I need to know it all to pass?

No, you don't need to know 100% of the content.

It's true that MyEPE has an extensive amount of information, and yes, some of it is beyond what is essential for the Canadian PCE. This has become the case because in the past, some users have requested that areas be expanded to further enrich their understanding. Also, not all school settings are the same and not everyone has the same depth of knowledge.   

For this reason, MyEPE is extremely thorough in its content. However, to ensure that members do not waste time on topics of interests versus critical topics for the Canadian PCE, the study tool indicates areas that have an extremely low likelihood of being tested. Additionally, modules have "PCE Essentials" tabs that list the exact information to focus on for each topic.

International Physical Therapists and Students

Is MyEPE good for international students?

Yes, MyEPE has proven to be very effective for international students. Since beginning in 2015 our international members have reached a 97% pass rate on their first attempt, and over a 99% pass rate when a second attempt was required.

What is the PCE/accreditation pass rate for international students?

Historically, candidates have done much better with MyEPE (97% pass rate) versus other prep tools (average of 41-53% pass rate).

It's critical to understand that the exam is weighted based on group scores of everyone who took the exam at a given time. This means that you are competing against other candidates and not simply trying to get a certain number of questions right.  

If you want to pass this exam, you don't just need a good score, you need a score that is better than other candidates.

I am currently a physiotherapist practicing outside of Canada. Am I eligible to register for this course?

Yes, this PCE and OCE prep tool has been designed to prepare both Canadian-educated and non-Canadian-educated physiotherapy candidates.

How do I become a physiotherapist in Canada?

If you are already a physical therapist, you can have your credentials reviewed here:
   -  https://www.cicic.ca/. 

If you are a student, then you will want to review the immigration and citizenship guideline for Canada here:
   -  https://canada.ca/en/services/immigration-citizenship.html.

Additionally, both groups will want to review the Canadian Physiotherapy Association's information about working in Canada (https://physiotherapy.ca/working-canada) and the PCE process in Canada found here:
  -  https://www.alliancept.org/becoming-credentialled/source-country-profiles/

About the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators

Why does Canada have a competency exam?

Canada has a competency exam as a method of testing professional awareness and to establish a standard level of competency across the country. However, the process isn't perfect and continues to evolve.

Recently, there has been a big shift in how "practical" portions of the exam are done in some provinces.

This course is intended to prepare candidates, regardless of where they received their education, for all components of the PCE. Our PCE prep tool can help each candidate assess their ability to perform under pressure and in a high stress environment.

Is this program accepted by the Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators?

Yes, this course has received approval from the examination committee of the Alliance. Further, the Alliance understands that none of the contributors to MyEPE are associated directly with the Canadian PCE exam process. Individuals that create or contribute to PCE prep tools are not permitted to have any direct link to the Alliance's PCE exam. MyEPE is compliant with this standard.

Are any of the contributors to MyEPE part of the Regulators that create the Canadian Accreditation exams?

No, that is against the rules. Anyone who is part of writing or administering the exam can't be associated with a prep course. Anyone who violates this rule would be jeopardizing their physiotherapy license

The registered physiotherapists, researchers, and university educators associated with MyEPE are not part of the Canadian Regulators. This is in accordance with the guidelines and laws of the Canadian Alliance Regulators.

MyEPE Membership Questions

How long does my membership last once I register?

All memberships last one year. Mock exams can only be accessed once.

I have questions, is there someone I can talk with before I sign up?

Of course, please navigate to the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of each page.

Do I have to have completed my university program to register for the MyEPE prep tool?

No, most candidates will challenge the written PCE exam before completing university. It is encouraged that members sign-up while students are still engaging in their studies.

How much is the enrolment cost of your PCE prep course?

Absolutely nothing! MyEPE's new format is supported by Canadian Physios and other education programs. Only the mock exams and prep tools have a small cost to them. 

You can access all review sections, forums, group chats, and mobile learning you need for this exam for free! 

Want to test yourself with up-to-date mock testing with questions exactly like the ones you'll see on the real exam? We have those too. If you buy all of them, it'll cost less than $400 (that's a fraction of what a basic weekend course typically costs). 


What is the top safety fail on the PCE?

Failure to gain informed consent.

Do you have weekend courses?

At this time, no. Weekend courses are super common and we have lots of contributors who are involved in weekend courses at the highest levels.  But, we all agree that the Canadian PCE has far too much information to review in a weekend. Maybe if you had 12-16 contact hours per week for 6 months it would be possible to get all the PCE material covered, but certainly not in a couple of weekends.  Besides, the biggest difficulty with weekend courses is that they are hard to access, costly, and often too far away from your exam date for you to truly recall and/or use the material when you really need it.

Can I share the information in the MyEPE prep tool with others?

Yes, it's not a secret! We welcome everyone to learn and share what they know. Over the years several groups have taken MyEPE material and made their own prep courses. However, our new format gives you the choice to access everything for free, all on one platform.

Only the mock exams (multiple choice questions, vignettes, and OCE exams) within MyEPE are protected by Copyright © and have an associated cost. 

Check out our courses. Start your journey today.

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