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Wrist & Hand
Wrists and hands are complex regions with a multitude of bones, joints, and various musculatures. While you navigate through these review modules, keep in mind that wrists and hands, although technically separate regions of the upper extremity, function very much as a single unit with the actions of one impacting the other. One simple example of this is the action of gripping. The gripping motion requires that the fingers flex while the wrist naturally extends. Finger flexion without wrist extension, although possible, does not happen without deliberate planning.
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In this section, you will have a chance to review the bony, soft tissue and joint mechanics of the wrist and the hand.
Note: The extensive list of musculature including muscle innervations and actions, pathology, and special tests are also reviewed.
Note: The extensive list of musculature including muscle innervations and actions, pathology, and special tests are also reviewed.
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Mulligan Manual Therapy Concept
Manual Therapy That Makes Sense. Learn practical, hands-on, pain free, patient-driven manual therapy techniques and clinical reasoning that will open your eyes to a whole new world of patient care.