Ontario Clinical Exam - Mock Exam 'A'
What's included
6 - 'Part 1' Case Studies
11 - 'Part 2' Case Studies
Timed Exam: 115 Minutes to complete
Instant Scoring & Feedback
Up to 2 Attempts - So you can Learn and Improve!
OCE Exam 'A' - Course overview
We've created a custom mock exam that directly mimics all the scenarios, questions and vignette-styled layouts you'll find on the actual Ontario OCE.
Just like the real exam, we have included case studies for 'Part 1' and 'Part 2'; however, we have TRIPLED the case studies in 'Part 1' to get you ready for your exam. Each question is timed just like the OCE to simulate how you should approach each scenario. Once you've completed your exam, you'll have the chance to access feedback and compare your own answers.
We've created several of these exams (A,B,C) to make sure you have loads of confidence before crushing the national exam!
Just like the real exam, we have included case studies for 'Part 1' and 'Part 2'; however, we have TRIPLED the case studies in 'Part 1' to get you ready for your exam. Each question is timed just like the OCE to simulate how you should approach each scenario. Once you've completed your exam, you'll have the chance to access feedback and compare your own answers.
We've created several of these exams (A,B,C) to make sure you have loads of confidence before crushing the national exam!
Why do I need this before the OCE?
Test your Knowledge
Learn where to improve
Practice under pressure
Gain comfort and confidence in your delivery
Mimic the test - be ready!
Just like the OCE
Nothing can prepare you for the pressures of the OCE better than a test that specifically matches the OCE. Here you'll find a timed exam with Vignette question exactly as you'll encounter on the OCE.
Feedback included
One you submit each question, you'll have the chance to review feedback. This way you'll know where you need to improve and gain tips on what to include next time!