Everyone can make errors - even the best of us do. So it's best to know what to avoid ahead of the big day. Especially in the PCE Practical Exam. Nerves are usually running high during the exam and this can lead to more errors. Here are 12 common exam errors that you can avoid to guarantee a pass.
Take time to thoroughly read and understand the scenario before
entering the station. If you allow yourself to feel stressed, rushed, or you
lose focus, you may misread or skim over important details in the question,
resulting in misinterpretation of what the question is actually asking you to
do. This is the most common mistake made during the PCE. Take a deep breath,
focus your mind on the task at hand (literally forget about the other
stations), then read the question slowly and thoroughly. This may seem
obvious, but it is the most important PCE exam tip we can give you.
You are provided a clipboard and paper to record notes throughout
the exam. Use it to write down important points about the station, such as the
affected side, important co-morbidities, contraindications, precautions, the
mock-patient’s name, or parameters that aren’t worth memorizing. This helps in
two ways: it will reinforce reading the question thoroughly, and it will take
some strain off your mental capacity so you can focus your attention on the
skills you are being asked to perform. It’s not worth wasting time or mental
capacity memorizing small details in those few precious minutes prior to
entering the station. Instead, use the time to read the question, jot down a
few notes, and outline a station plan.
is purely to save time. The entire day is chaotic, and having these stickers
ready for the examiner will get this formality out of the way quickly, giving
you more time to complete the station.
Develop a sort of consistent ’script’ to get some of the most
important boxes checked early at every station. This ‘script’ should include
introducing yourself, explaining the purpose of your interaction, and gaining
consent for the interaction. Your initial dialogue should take less than a
minute, but may mean the difference between passing and failing a station.
The rooms for each scenario are carefully staged so as not to be
confusing. Anything set out in plain sight is meant to be used in the
station. Pay attention to anything that seems to be obviously placed in the
room. It will give you a clue to the intent of the station.
Some stations are designed specifically to contain
contraindications, and to evaluate if you can identify and prevent a potential
risk. Do not proceed with any set out tasks before you clear all
potential contraindications and precautions. Missing any risk factors is an
automatic fail, and could be dangerous to a patient in a real life scenario. If
you have even a small feeling something could be a potential risk factor, go
with your intuition and clear it before proceeding. Always err on the side of
Never touch anybody without first asking for consent.
Neglecting to do so is an automatic station fail.
Before you perform a task, take a moment to decide if there are
any safety considerations. Are there any lines or tubes to be aware of? Are you
about to walk the person without shoes? Do you have a transfer belt? Are the
brakes on? These are some common examples of potential safety issues that
must be addressed before proceeding. Once again, missing just one of these
flags is an automatic station fail.
Examiners and mock-patients can’t predict what you are thinking,
so literally think out loud. Describe where you are going to put your hands on
the mock-patient, what you plan to do, and how you plan to do it. Verbalizing
what you are thinking will help with mock-patient consent and will ensure the
examiner knows exactly what you are attempting to accomplish.
It is not uncommon to end up with some time at the end of a
station. Rather than sit idle, use the time to make sure you haven’t missed
anything. Re-read the question and reflect on what you have done. Don’t
second guess yourself or you will drive yourself crazy, but review the scenario
making sure you haven’t missed any important details such as precautions and
contraindications. It’s not too late to get them in.